Asociația Popa Soare
Asociația Popa Soare is a non-profit organization based in Bucharest, Romania, dedicated to providing support and advocacy for the most vulnerable groups in society, including children, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities. Established in 2020, the association focuses on improving the quality of life for those who are often overlooked or abandoned through a variety of initiatives and projects.

The organization's mission encompasses several key areas:
- Defending Rights and Interests: Advocating for the welfare and rights of children, young people, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
- Educational and Developmental Support: Offering educational opportunities and support to help the younger generation reach their full potential.
- Emergency Aid: Providing urgent assistance in the form of food, clothing, footwear, and medical services to those in immediate need.
- Cultural and Community Engagement: Organizing cultural events like the Sinaia Guitar Festival and the Eduard Pamfil International Festival of Young Guitarists to promote community involvement and cultural enrichment.

Asociația Popa Soare also undertakes construction projects aimed at creating better living conditions for those in need. These projects, along with the organization's commitment to humanitarian and mutual aid activities, reflect its holistic approach to fostering a supportive community for the disadvantaged. The association invites individuals and organizations to get involved through volunteering, partnerships, and donations, emphasizing the collaborative nature of its mission to build a more caring and inclusive society.

The Helping Fund was established by Asociația Popa Soare as a charity program seeking to exemplify Christian compassion and benevolence through projects that help save lives, bring hope, and restore dignity.  The Helping Fund provides financial and material assistance in the form of food, shelter, medical care, emergency relief, education assistance and other essential necessities. Assistance is provided based on need, without regard to people’s religious beliefs, gender and ethnic background.
 CIF 42796269
Reg. no. 24 / 24.06.2020
Matei 25:35-36, 40

Căci flămând am fost şi Mi-aţi dat să mănânc; însetat am fost şi Mi-aţi dat să beau; străin am fost şi M-aţi primit; Gol am fost şi M-aţi îmbrăcat; bolnav am fost şi M-aţi cercetat; în temniţă am fost şi aţi venit la Mine. Adevărat zic vouă, întrucât aţi făcut unuia dintr-aceşti fraţi ai Mei, prea mici, Mie Mi-aţi făcut.
Matthew 25:35-36, 40

For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me… as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.